A sober assessment that is needed.

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In light of Sergei Glasyev’s profound speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, it is worthwhile to underscore the salient points he addressed:

•The American system is ending.

•We are currently working on a new international currency system which will eliminate the possibility of using unilateral sanctions and other economic terror against nations.

•Russia as chairman of the BRICS organization for 2024 will help champion this initiative.

•The United States’ model is experiencing a death agony—it cannot offer anything to the world anymore, neither a model of governance nor values.

•This year is a turning point, our prediction is after the American election it will be clear that Pax Americana has come to an end.

•The chief risk remains that the U.S. will need to create a small, local nuclear war in Europe in order to maintain its hegemony.

I strongly recommend watching the full video.

In addition, recall the prophetic words of Sergei Glasyev, in his tribute to the American Statesman, Economist, and Political Prisoner, at the Centenary of his birth on 20220908:

Lyndon LaRouche turned out to be right.”

“May his memory Live Forever.”


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Too bad this is not on Rumble where I can watch it with my VPN active.

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