Seems like berserk neocons won’t be happy until the “nukes” take to the skies. Earth destroyed by loathsome mediocrities.

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Garland nailed it at the end: the US elites are at war with the entire world, including the Deplorables (that includes those who know they are deplored, plus the many useful idiots who serve the elite).

No wonder the ruling class seems so ... nervous?

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At least Garland didn’t oversleep again. He was supposed to be interviewed on the Duran a few days ago but showed up a half an hour late seemingly in his pajamas. Think Europe and the US change from standard to daylight savings time on different days and he got confused. Wonder if Russia switches time?

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This war has electrified Russia

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Just watched Alex Christoforou on The Duran.

"Lord" Cameron and Macron now putting together a British/French entente to send troops into Ukraine with the expectation the US will ride to their rescue when Russia retaliates.

The new Axis: Russia, China, Iran.

Israel attacking on the Middle East front.

It's WWI and WWII all over again.

Meanwhile, the US will be expected to fight Japan—whoops, I meant China—in the Pacific.

Richard Cook



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I guess that some people are determined to reduce the population one way or the other.

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target : zio-jews

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1:40 seconds of blah this time....I'm lookin at you, I'm lookin.

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