I knew that there was a massive problem with unexploded ordnance in Laos, especially on the Plain of Jars, but never before had I heard or seen it quantified before just now, nor did I know any detail about why there was so much of it. Nor did I have any idea that there are Russians in Laos helping to clear them. If Princess Diana was loved for any good reasons beyond her physical beauty and winning, down to earth personality, it was because of her very real involvement in bringing these situations, which are voluminous, to the attention of people in the west, in a way the PTB in those countries couldn’t massage into the background. Finally, your interview brought back to mind a report that I heard on NPR over thirty years ago. A farmer, maybe French, IIRC, had been killed when his tractor or whatever it was pulling detonated an unexploded bomb. From the Franco-Prussian War, which ended in 1871. Beyond finally, the petal bombs raining down on Donetsk city for the past nine years, and some details on that. What horrors we have sewn. The whirlwinds are here now, for some. When they blow upon us, how many of ‘us’ will understand the connections? I understand more now than I did yesterday, and for that I thank you, Mark.

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Cluster bombs are the tip of the iceberg. Research Agent Orange. Research chocolate hands, a mockery of Belgians (Leopold) and what they did to children in Congo that couldn't meet their rubber quota: cut off their hands. Yah, the west has been evil for a long time. Putin was foolish for ever trusting any of them. Today, they got African kids digging cobalt out of mines for their NON green EV junk cars.

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I suspect that supposed shortages of artillery shells is but a pretext for the administration to do what it wants to do.

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Russia taking on 500 years of Western hegemony and they have to waste time on clowns like Erdogan and Prigozhin.

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Some guy told me that other day that Mark Sleboda is a liar because he used to work for Russia Today.

Millions 'think' like he does. "Who said that?", they demand, By which they mean, "If it was in WaPo it's true. If it was on RT, it's not."

Hard to think of a better example of a broken, shitty, epistemology.

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None of this is Biden's idea though.

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Col Macgregor said that it was not PUTIN that ordered those helicopters to go after Prigo. It was some other military guy.

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Mark, can you answer? That depleted Uranium sent to Ukr, did that get blown up by Rus in the W of Ukr before they could use it?

AND, will Rus be able to blow up the cluster bombs before they can be used?

Thanks. Nobody answers me on twitter when I ask. You did once.

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Is Russia as evil as Ukraine?

Russia’s Army has a reputation for being professional, obeying norms of war, humanitarian to its members and to POWs.

On the otherhand, Progozhin said he would and evidence suggests he did commit war crimes by not taking prisoners, that is executing them, torturing regular Russian Army members (God know what he does to prisoners of war), killing Russian soldiers, training prisoners for 2 weeks then meat grinding them at a 60% attrition rate, against orders, without proper supplies fighting at a greater tempo than ordered getting many of his men killed. All this with complete impunity.

In short, Prigozhin is at least as guilty of attrocities and war crimes as the Ukrainians are and by not arresting him Russia is as well due to their continuing support and refusal to rein in Prigozhin.

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