Damn. You would think potential strongmen currying favor with US ruling geeks learned something from history. At first, we laud them as media darlings and eventually they usually end up assassinated. Get out Zelenski while you can!
Damn. You would think potential strongmen currying favor with US ruling geeks learned something from history. At first, we laud them as media darlings and eventually they usually end up assassinated. Get out Zelenski while you can!
Damn. You would think potential strongmen currying favor with US ruling geeks learned something from history. At first, we laud them as media darlings and eventually they usually end up assassinated. Get out Zelenski while you can!
that would imply that such puppets read, if they did they wouldn't have become puppets!
No Z!: Let your soundtrack be Louis Armstrong singing We've Got All the Time in the World ....
Tarry, my friend, tarry....