The end game was always ‘Russia collapses when the US seizes all of its foreign exchange, and the US divvies it into pieces that it prefers and gives its European vassals a small piece of the action.’ It seems clear now that there was no Plan B. Ever since that did not happen, the Blob has been improvising day to day, and trying to direct as much pelf as possible into the hands where it will do the Blob the most good. While, of course, it dispenses lies through what is apparently now totalitarian control of the MSM to keep the wretched citizens of the Five Eyes and the rest of Europe on side. It also appears that the 2025 start to the war on China is being moved up a year or more in hopes that this catastrophe will become the next Afghanistan. The media and the Blob will just stop talking about it. It will all be about those spunky freedom-loving Taiwanese.

I know how stupid this sounds. I heard it in my head before I typed it out. But, I’m afraid they really are that ignorant, stupid and delusional. The war criminals in complete control of the US Empire are fully committed to the Hitlerian wet dream of full-spectrum dominance set out in their version of Mein Kampf over 25 years ago- The Project for a New American Century, IIRC its title.

Regardless of how this ends, it will be a horror show to end them all. Grab lots of popcorn and watch from another planet a safe distance away.

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The leak ed information may well appear amateur, but it could be that the original leaker is just very amateur. Time may tell.

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