I respect John for the time he did but, to lecture Yemen, a country starved and bombed mercilessly to fatten the wallets of despicable American corporations, for coming to the aid of another people being mercilessly starved and bombed by an American client nation, is too much.

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Since Afghanistan, but even before to an extent, he's been Genocide Joe

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If you can't ask a question in twenty words, it isn't a question, it's a speech. Let Sleboda do the talking, you windbags.

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Turkey didn't get shit when they betrayed Russia. Turkey should have blocked Finland for sure, and block Sweden. Turkey should NEVER have said yes to Finland, which inconvenienced Russia.

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Britain cause of Israeli/Palestinian issues, IT GOES WAY BACK.


Britain and Zionism and Churchill before Israel existed, rare info.


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This guy is a loser!!!!!!! Mark don't do his show. Israel owns many ships under

the guise of other countries. The way to end the conflict in Gaza is to stop israel and the US once and for all.

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I think the US does not want a "Solution". They want distractions from the debacle in Ukraine and a way for Israel to back out of Gaza. A long term, but low intensity war with Iran would serve those purposes for the duration. A long distance attack on Iran would not endanger US forces very much. But would weaken Iran and neutralize their regional influence. The big losers would be Egypt and Europe, neither that important to the US. If they lost Bar al Mandeb and even Hormus, it would would serve some American purposes, without being an 'existential threat'.

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Not clear on how the USA losing Hormuz strait wouldn't be an existential threat. A great deal of that oil goes to NATO countries. You might be right about a low level conflict with Iran, but its hard to believe that even the Penatgon would go along with that. I don't think the USA can even win that war. And it would attract other countries to attack USA. The geopolitical fallout would be even worse, if possible, then the Gazan genocide.

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The economic slow-down has reduced American demand.

A little known fact is that Canada is completely a 'Vassal' of the US. Canada is Not Allowed to export petroleum by maritime routes. All the oil and gas Canadians don't consume goes across that border at a huge discount. Currently that flow is about 3 Million barrels of oil per day and could be increased. The same is true for natural gas.

Add to that what could be produced from Alaska and purchased (strong armed) from Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela. The US would suffer no shortages, and still would be able to export some to Europe at even bigger profits.

On the other side, closing the flow from West Asia would hurt China and South Asia immensely!

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Paul, i think that India is now the biggest seller of Russian oil. They sell to the EU countries as a 'getaround' to sanctions against Russia, which have failed. Even the $60 cap has failed. China, Turkey and India sell Russian oil.

IOW, at this point, the EU is being serviced , it seems by RUS. But a cold winter dould damage them economically as well. I think its the USA which has sent LG to EU at higher energy costs. But that has only increased the econ difficulty of the EU nations.

I don't think energy security for the USA will be be able to keep the horses in the stable for the EU. I would expect all the leaders of the vassal states to be tossed out. because of the misery they have imposed on their countrymen d/t their subservience to the USA.

I have read that upwards of 25% or more energy flows thru Hormuz. If that is stopped. Then oil prices would scream, across every border that is being serviced by that oil... isn't that right? than ks

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The EU 'is being served'...But, because of the extra costs the consumption is far lower. as you say If the traditional shipping routes were cut, forcing long detours the costs would be even higher and supplies reduced more..

As for the US: understand that they possibly wouldn't bother with the niceties of "Purchasing"? Certainly not at "Market Prices". for example: Canadian export prices are the only place where oil prices have been below the price cap imposed by the "Sanctions"? Not even the Russians had to abide by those.

Understand that given the relationship between Corporations and the US Government, This is all about monopoly and Maximizing Profits. They don't care who gets hurt!

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