I hope that Mr. Sleboda, knows, that i am so grateful for his commentary. Absolutely indispensable news.

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Mr. Sleboda, i grew up during the Viet war in NYC. I was a draft resister. Having invested myself in the hx of the conflict, i knew it was wrong. It was a genocide as well. perpetrated by our gov't. The idea that Vietnam was a threat to us, was laughable. I don't think they even had a helicopter. The point is that it wasn't till people in the middle class were threatened with losing THEIR limbs and lives, was the war ended.

I see the exact same thing now. There are demonstrations. But since i don't trust ANY information, i don't know how substantial the resistance really is.

More to the point, the Ukrainian war, was and is an unconsiounable act perpetrated by our gov't. An act of aggression of the Russian nation. And that no one, then was in the anti-war movement is 'telling' . Now? people may be against giving money to Ukr or Isr but only because the economic conditions here are steadily worsening.

It seems UNLESS, people have their own skin in the game, they care little about their gov't and its exploitation of others. So pessimistic, i am, that i feel that change, will not occur, till things get so bad, they have to change. Not very empathetic to my fellow human beings. Thanks again for all you have GENEROUSLY given of your time and knowledge to educate us.

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I just don't get it........in all this time of the perishing of the Ukrainian youth, where is the resistance movement in Ukraine? Are the Ukraine middle class involved in this war? During the Viet war here, in the USA, once the middle class became involved, the resistance multiplied.

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A corrupt people will have a corrupt government and vice-versa. This particular shade of corruption apparently gives the results we see.

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These are the same folks who wrapped people to poles and painted them, to call the self-interested is the understatement of the century

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Imagine being turkey (lol) and seeing the rest of Nato trying to get the same psycho's trying to blow up your gas pipeline into the club XD

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During the first year of SNL, the first Weekend Update host, Chevy Chase, began several of the satiric newscasts with the words, “Generalissimo Francisco Franco remains critically dead at this hour, according to several informed sources”, or a similar statement. For reasons that I hope are obvious, the interviews with Mark have brought those 48 year old memories back to me. With this utter self-inflicted catastrophe, along with the unapologetic genocide in Gaza, we may be seeing, finally, the death of irony, 50 years after some wag declared it deceased when Kissinger won the Nobel Prize for Peace.

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