Thank you for the writeup. It isn't clear how effective Penicillin systems are against HIMARS though, if indeed they are shorter ranged than radar variants. Only if said MLRS are firing at targets far behind the Penicillin would the system possibly be effective, if indeed the range is significant shorter as noted.
I'm not saying that the system is not fantastically effective within its range. Counterbattery against battlefield range systems is vitally important especially against 155 mm artillery like the M777, other NATO and ex-Soviet systems but far less clear about effectiveness against even non ATACMS HIMARS.
Penicillin is another layer in the Russian airplane, missile and artillery protective umbrella.
If you would try to LEARN, to EDUCATE yourself to care to THINK INDEPENDENTLY, about the REAL story the REAL history, the REAL inteligent sources of TRUE knowledge about this recent (2014 and bit more) atack of USrael on Russia/Russian People, using dirty hands of Jewish-Bandera Nazi criminals in Kiev with Polish regime maniacs-LIERS to the bone, with EU/Nato mentally sick thieves you would be ashamed of yourself. If you have any grain of decency, or desire to educate yourself you would be ashamed. YOU KNOW NOTHING!
You are brainwashed media-Zombie!
No wonder we hear/see every day hundreds of foreign mercenaries are being slaughtered grinded in Ukrainian "meat machines" across the front, by the Angels of TRUTH. You deserve being sent there for final lesson and final judgment.
Remember "White Helmets" in Syria? Projected by "western media" as messengers from Eden, only to uncover themselves as..... like you! "ANGELS of LUCIFER". I hope your "love" to your sponsors from Hell will find you the right place in that evil war of HATE. I'm not going to educate you anymore. One last suggestion: take a good additional reminding injection, against these viruses that you will find there left by your sponsors.
Thank you for the writeup. It isn't clear how effective Penicillin systems are against HIMARS though, if indeed they are shorter ranged than radar variants. Only if said MLRS are firing at targets far behind the Penicillin would the system possibly be effective, if indeed the range is significant shorter as noted.
I'm not saying that the system is not fantastically effective within its range. Counterbattery against battlefield range systems is vitally important especially against 155 mm artillery like the M777, other NATO and ex-Soviet systems but far less clear about effectiveness against even non ATACMS HIMARS.
Penicillin is another layer in the Russian airplane, missile and artillery protective umbrella.
Like the Theramin passive bug placed in the Great Seal of the U.S. Moscow embassy.
Shouldn't the last sentence be Penicillin is the cure RUSSIA has been looking for? Ukraine the infection Russia is the host.
I've looked up at this link with the NS1,2 story.
Dear Readers, please be warned!
This guy is a fraud!
He is a pure evil with his lies and deceptively.
Unfortunately his presence here, is to spread his lies against Russia and it's people.
Your place is in kindergarten of Hell.
If you would try to LEARN, to EDUCATE yourself to care to THINK INDEPENDENTLY, about the REAL story the REAL history, the REAL inteligent sources of TRUE knowledge about this recent (2014 and bit more) atack of USrael on Russia/Russian People, using dirty hands of Jewish-Bandera Nazi criminals in Kiev with Polish regime maniacs-LIERS to the bone, with EU/Nato mentally sick thieves you would be ashamed of yourself. If you have any grain of decency, or desire to educate yourself you would be ashamed. YOU KNOW NOTHING!
You are brainwashed media-Zombie!
No wonder we hear/see every day hundreds of foreign mercenaries are being slaughtered grinded in Ukrainian "meat machines" across the front, by the Angels of TRUTH. You deserve being sent there for final lesson and final judgment.
Remember "White Helmets" in Syria? Projected by "western media" as messengers from Eden, only to uncover themselves as..... like you! "ANGELS of LUCIFER". I hope your "love" to your sponsors from Hell will find you the right place in that evil war of HATE. I'm not going to educate you anymore. One last suggestion: take a good additional reminding injection, against these viruses that you will find there left by your sponsors.