
The West's proxy war on Russia in Ukraine

Recent Discussion on Deep Impact with Rick Sanchez (my segment starts 15:30)

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Discussion about this video

Thank you, Mark. Sometimes, my initial reaction to something Rick Sanchez says is to cringe. ‘Hegemonic tendencies’ just about got me this time. But, within a couple minutes, I knew he was correct. He IS one of the only US-based journalists who will say even that much. And look where he is- RT. You can’t get much further from even the allowed margins of discourse here than that. Everyone else on the left has to throw in ‘of course, Putin is the epitome of evil’ in order to try to preserve whatever visibility beyond the margins they have, if anything about this US contrived horror is said. Thank you, and Rick, too. He knows he’s dead to the US media just because of the logo beneath his image. Good on you both.

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When Steven Harper popped up in Kiev within days of the coup to recognize the unelected coup government, and knowing the Ukrainian nazi element that resides in Canada, I was deeply disturbed.

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Within the margins, not beyond. Sigh.

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