Ex-Nato chief proposes Ukraine joins without Russian-occupied territories
Scholz says he’s ready to talk with Putin, but Russia needs to make serious concessions to the Kiev regime. Putin’s not interested and Scholz is going straight to voice mail. dismisses Bloomberg’s 'Putin’s backyard' phrase about Kazakhstan as absurd. US is just trying to stir up nationalist shit by insulting Kazakhstan’s sovereigny like this.
'Open War' May Break Out Within Kiev Regime Leadership - Analyst
Good Lord, can you comprehend the mindset of these Western Dilettantes, as if Russia owe or ought pay any heed to these mindless fools.
Seriously you would not believe it if in fact it wasn’t reality, they rip themselves off via greed, avarice and corruption charging taxpayers $10,000 for toilet seats, $5,000 for screw drivers, artillery shells at 10x the cost Russia produces they’re shells for, its pernicious, nothing more than a rort, fraught with corruption just as the entire fraud that is Western International Aide, is rife with the ubiquitous “kickback” to politicians who, themselves in voting such Aide appropriations, do so merely to ensure they’re skim off of the top, monies that invariably finds its way back to them via the scourge of every democracy that is the incessant lobbyist, always stalking the corridors of power, armwrestling our elected representatives as well as the unelected, those appointed to positions in the permanent administrative State.
Such behaviour exemplifies how it is the UniParty Democratic System prevalent in so many Western Democracies, a system comprising principally the two party system, a system that is when looked at under the hood, nothing more than two cheeks of the same arsehole, hence the deplorable state of our nations, commensurate the quality of those we have entrusted of minding our democracy.
What truly is mind boggling is the Western hubris and bellicose statements about ending the conflict, assuming what theses morons discuss ad nauseum between themselves will simply just be accepted by Russia, well I’ve news for them, Russia accepts the role they have taken on, freeing the World from the last 200+ years of colonialism, will I am sure give the West the middle finger, they’ll keep going, taking Odessa, Kharkiv and if need be the East Bank of the Dnieper to Kiev.
I have no issues Russia fighting NATO, bring it on, put them away once and for all, militarily, economically Russia is over this, has defeated the West, hence no fear, nothing to fear, bring it on and end this filth, then once victorious persecute and prosecute every Western Warmonger, every single one… no mercy, I’m sick and tired of the lies, hubris, the front of these liars and frauds… end it. Slave Russia, BRICS+ multipolarity… a new paradigm…
YTF would Russia want to engage with the treasonous Rot installed by the US! It seems to me Russia's economy and world standing is booming! Though I wish they'd hurry up and level Ukraine once and for all!
I do not know on which planet this former NATO secretary lives but his proposition is clearly ludicrous. In essence, he is inviting Russia to completely invade and occupy Ukraine.
Sholz is proving himself to be a clueless idiot, inept in everything.
Germany has Kanzler (or Kanzlerin for Merkel), somewhat akin to Prime Minister. Their Presidents are merely honorary, I suppose, without political power. There's a German guy operating out of St Petersburg by the name of Thomas Roper. I'm sure you've heard of him. He's been to the Donbass a few times. A little bit arrogant, but hey nobody's perfect. His views are almost always identical to yours and I suppose many Russians share these views too.
Forget tripling down, cuck nation is quadrupling down on nazism
This is about money. NATO officials are on the payroll, they are payed to shill for the expansion of the organization. MIC needs to consolidate arms markets. Direct NATO intervention is not containable to Ukrainian territory, so its posturing. Or they are insane.
Why doesn't Russia make it crystal clear that NATO aggression will result in a the continental US being seen as the aggressor & dealt with. Unti the US bleeds for its actions, it'll not stop! And as seen, the world is full of morons willing to die for GooberNation!