Russia Destroys Kiev's HIMARS + Responds to Claims of 'Children's Hospital Attack' w/ Mark Sleboda
Discussion of the Conflict in Ukraine with Rachel Blevins 09/07/24
My latest discussion of the conflict in Ukraine with Rachel Blevins @RachBlevins 09/07/24
‘Untrue’: Russia slams Ukrainian claim of attack on civilian targets — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
Kremlin responds to Kiev hospital attack allegations — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
Russia’s UN ambassador responds to Ukraine hospital attack accusations — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
Russia takes out three US-made Ukrainian missile systems (VIDEO) — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
The internet will ultimately become a horrific tool for repression but for now, having Mark, Chas Freeman, Mearsheimer, Crooke, Mate, Blumenthal, etc. readily available is an embarrassment of riches. No more Max Bootlicker, Thomas Freakman, and the endless permutations of the extended Kagan klan. Really miss Fisk and Steve Cohen though.
It drives me crazy that NO main stream western media outlet will even entertain the possibility that this children’s hospital bombing was caused by Ukrainian missile defence. Is NO ONE interested in reporting the truth for f_ _ _’s sake?