Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and Podcasts
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and podcasts on International, affairs and security from a realist, Russian & multipolar PoV
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and podcasts on International, affairs and security from a realist, Russian & multipolar PoVListen on
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Criminal US neocon politicians (Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan...) with their complicit puppets (European politicians, NATO, mainstream media), have pushed Europe and the whole world into the most dangerous war in all of history.
What are the causes that explain that, in such a dangerous situation, most European citizens are not still holding massive demonstrations against this war? The main causes are CENSORSHIP and PROPAGANDA.
Today most European citizens have not yet reacted because:
1º) The European mainstream media constantly repeat the lies and manipulative propaganda that it is dictated from the United States.
2º) European politicians have imposed censorship on us so that we cannot know Russia's point of view and so that we cannot freely draw our own conclusions.
We are very close to the Third World War and most Europeans do not know it, nor do they know who or why has provoked and escalated this damn war.
At any time, these criminal US politicians, fabricating any "false flag attack" or other lie like Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and counting on the complicity, submission, incompetence and/or corruption of current European politicians, they can drag all of us into THEIR WAR against Russia, FORCEDLY, by imposing Article 5 of NATO on us.
Unfortunately, we have become used to tolerating politicians who lie to steal, but this time it is infinitely worse: they are lying to us to meekly lead us to the slaughterhouse, to THEIR WAR against Russia.
And no, I don't buy it! I don't buy their lies, their warmongering manipulation, or their "narrative."
Out of responsibility and for our own interest, it is very urgent to transmit the information that these criminal politicians do NOT want us to have.
-Ukrainian war
-the profound economic and geopolitical changes that are taking place right now,
-the biggest bankruptcy and economic depression in 100 years (“corralito”) and
-The imminent Third World War.
1. Douglas Macgregor, Colonel, Senior Military & Geopolitical Advisor. USA. https://www.youtube.com/@DouglasMacgregorFanChannel
2. Andrew Napolitano, Former Judge USA, Interviewer of Douglas McGregor, Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter, Larry C Johnson, Alastair Crooke, Phil Giraldi… https://www.youtube.com/@judgingfreedom
3. John Helmer, Journalist Correspondent in Russia, Professor. Australia. https://johnhelmer.net
4. Alastair Crooke, Former Diplomatic & Spy MI6. United Kingdom. https://strategic-culture.org
5. Thierry Meyssan, Journalist & Geopolitical Analyst. Francia. https://www.voltairenet.org (select English language).
6. Andrei Martyanov, Russian Military Analyst, living in USA. https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com
7. Mark Sleboda, Military & Geopolitical Analyst. Russia. https://www.youtube.com/@TheRealPolitickwithMarkSleboda
8. John Mearsheimer, Professor. USA.
9. Pepe Escobar, Journalist & Geopolitical Analyst especially Central Asia. Brazil. https://new.thecradle.co/columns/pepe-escobar-32
10. Scott Ritter, US Marines Major, Military Intelligence Analyst. USA. CENSORED. https://www.youtube.com/@scottrittershow/streams
11. Glenn Diesen, Professor, Geopolitical Analyst & Interviewer. Norway. https://www.youtube.com/@GDiesen1
12. Jeffrey Sachs, Professor & Economist. USA. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jeffrey+sachs
13. Michael Hudson, Professor & Economist. USA. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=michael+hudson
14. Alexander Mercouris, Geopolitical Analyst. Reino Unido. https://www.youtube.com/@TheDuran
15. Alex Christoforou, Economics & Geopolitical Analyst. Greece. https://www.youtube.com/@TheDuran
16. Brian Berletic, Military Analyst. USA.
17. Aaron Mate , Journalist. Canada.
18. Max Blumenthal, Journalist. USA.
19. Larry C Johnson, Former CIA Military Analyst. USA.
20. Simplicius, Geopolitical & Military Analyst. USA.
21. Jimmy Dore, Journalist. USA.
22. Ray McGovern, Former CIA Military & Geopolitical Analyst. USA. https://raymcgovern.com
23. Gonzalo Lira, Geopolitical Analyst, Interviewer, Chile-USA. KIDNAPPED in Ukranie. https://www.youtube.com/@gonzalolira0229
24. RT.com, Accessible only with VPN. CENSORED in all Europe, except in Norway.
25. Tass.com, Russian News Agency.
26. Sergey Glazyev, Very Influential Economist. Russia. https://new.thecradle.co/articles/exclusive-russian-geoeconomics-tzar-sergei-glazyev-introduces-the-new-global-financial-system
27. Zoltan Polstar, Economist. Hungary.
28. John Pilger, Journalist. United Kingdom. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=john+pilger
29. Glenn Greenwald, Journalist & Lawyer. USA. https://www.youtube.com/@GlennGreenwald
30. Ronan Manly, Gold Price Manipulation Analyst. United Kingdom. https://www.bullionstar.com/blogs/ronan-manly/
31. Sean Foo, Economics, Gold & De-Dollarization Analyst. Singapur. https://www.youtube.com/@SeanFooGold
32. Natali & Clayton Morris, Journalists. USA. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoJhK5kMc4LjBKdiYrDtzlA
33. Aleks, Economics & Geopolitical Analyst. Serbia.
34. Andrei Raevsky, Russian Geopolitical & Military Analyst. USA. CENSORED.
35. Rybar, Journalist. Russia.
36. Mike Hampton, Journalist. SouthAfrica.
37. SouthFront, Journalists & Geopolitical Analysts. USA. CENSORED.
1. Lorenzo Ramírez, Economics Journalist. Spain. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lorenzo+ramirez
2. Pepe Escobar, Journalist & Geopolitical Analyst. Brazil. https://misionverdad.com/autores/pepe-escobar
3. Pedro Baños, Army Colonel & Geopolitical Analyst. Spain. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pedrobaños
4. Fernando Moregón, Professor & Geopolitical Analyst. Spain. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fernando+moregón
5. Voltairenet.org Select Spanish language.
6. Lahaine.org, Disobedient Journalism.
7. Maribel Alcázar, Journalist. Spain. https://www.ultimahora.es/opinion/tribuna/2022/03/14/1710039/ucrania-rusia-guerra-paz.html
8. Geopolítica Actual, Geopolitical Analyst. Spain. https://www.youtube.com/@geopoliticaactual
9. N. Sanzo, Journalist. Russia.
(These direct links are only a small sample since, so that they cannot be censored, many of these journalists and analysts publish simultaneously on different channels such as Twitter, YouTube, Substack, Rumble, Odysee, Telegram…)
You wrote a great comment and wrote a great list. Add Andrei Martyanov and Caitlin Johnstone. I'm with you and those listed 100%. Andrei and Caitlin are too.
Very best regards.
I'm not kidding. Your post made my day. Blessings be upon you.
Oh, Andrei is on your list!😂
By the way, I am a good friend of Larry Johnson. He has done much for me and I'm indebted to him.
Larry is on of the best and smartest analysts around these days. I try not to miss a single interview and I get his blog's RSS feed. The man is absolutely invaluable.
GREAT English list. I listen to much of that but by no means all--maybe when I am retired.
I think you misspelled #27--isn't it Pozsar?
And Andrei Raevsky was not censored directly. He froze The Saker for personal reasons (he lacks US citizenship so is quite vulnerable to deportation and would be separated from his family in Florida, but who knows perhaps he also received from "hints").
Anyway you spoke an awful lot of painful truth in your post and said it well!!
Thank you very much for your comment, you are 100% right: it is Zoltan Pozsar and the specific situation of Andrei Raevsky is exactly as you have described it...
I have a list I put all over too.
I think the target was Utkin as he was the real master. Still pretty crazy and bold assassination if he is indeed dead along with others.
I don't think it was Putin. Not that he is not capable of it. The timing is weird, stealing the thunder of the BRICS summit. He is way too slick to do that.
And the fact it happened on Ukrainian Independence Day is interesting. It seems like something they would do happily.
The fate of E Prigozhin hss eclipsed convo about mega moves in BRICS Summit. Putin out of the picture, lowering POW WOW factor, and now hey presto E Prigozhin offed?... to my way of thinking, the impact of certain "events" is being/attempted to be counter-impacted... don't look over there, look over here kinda thing... classic bait and switch... fie fi fo fum i smell the blood of an English (Anglosphere/dupe types/anti-BRICS oldstyle Colonials and their bastardy. Thats my instinct. Im Oirish, tis more the pity, but we had the Brits (Anglos) in here since the 1600s, the original proto colony, these hoors and their bastardy bosses/special mates/cousins and former colonies are very wiley and especially ruthless. I believe in RF they are referred to as The Eternal Enemy. Whereas, here in lamentable post-colonial Oireland, they were/are referred to as The Old Enemy. My hunch is that a Ukr "Freedom Day" PR thing combo with infowar focus redirect and confuse meets good oldfashioned (neo)colonial espionage in-country on behalf of Old Colonials was just the ticket that made Prighozin the perfect foil/target.
Maybe a former customer had a bad dinner at one of his restaurants, or got drunk and banned from his hotdogs stand and was out for revenge!
Think Wagner with un dead Prigozhin will swoop down from Belarus into Kiev not far away, with huge supply of updated lancet drones etc and decapitate Ukrainian armed forces. PMC is great at this kind of Urban warfare, and if they are leaving their camps in Belarus, I don't think they are going to knitting class. Now Prigozhin has plausible distance from Putin so Belarus can be righteous and outraged if hit from Poland. and Putin has announced in noisy fashion that there will be a nuclear response to attacks from Poland upon Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko and Putin had a private sneaky smile at their meeting about their Prigozhin camp deal. This war might be over in a few days if fulll force Wagner was loose on the streets of Kiev. Only a few miles from where the PMC camps are/were until this morning.
man said "I will be an interesting footnote in history!" and glitched out of this game we call life. I respect that if nothing else about em
Putin needs to get on top of this fast and point out a few facts, eg, IF they wanted to kill Prigo, it could have been done in Niger "a terrorist did it." NOT done in Russia, NOT during the huge BRICS meeting. Not with innocent others on a plane. Putin and Prigo were fine.
Here is list I post all the time, youtube or rumble
Alexander Mercouris
Alex Christoforou
The Duran
Gonzalo Lira Again he also does roundtables.
The New Atlas
Garland Nixon
Schiller Institute
Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
The Dive Jackson Hinkle
Straight Calls with Douglas Macgregor
Col. Douglas Macgregor
The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
Max Power
Mark Sleboda
Col Richard H. Black
Jeffrey Sachs
Cyrus Janssen (in China)
Scott Ritter Again
Ask the Inspector
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom
MacGregor, Larry Johnson and McGovern are on a lot.
George Galloway MOATS
Jacob Dreizin
Geopolitics in Conflict
Weeb Union satellite imagery and explanation
Military Summary satellite imagery and explanation
Jimmy Dore sometimes
Through the eyes of (Ania)
Russel Brand sometimes
Arkady Itkin
Eva K Bartlett
The Grayzone
sonar 21 Larry C. Johnson
Patrick Lancaster
Dr. Steve Turley sometimes
Plenty of ways to off Prigo much easier and neater if Kremlin wanted to do this. Putin did NOT do this in the middle of a BRiCS meeting. Whoever did it, did it to kill? Prigo AND embarrass Putin. And cause trouble.
Duran agrees