More Grain Deal Aftermath and Russia hits Kiev regime ports hard
Why Grain Prices aren’t rising significantly - Ukraine’s grain isn’t that important to the world after all
How will the US react to its proxy Kiev Putsch regime’s offensive?
Russia isn’t interested in “coming to the negotiations table” on any terms but complete capitulation to their SMO goals
They need to pinpoint every place that is launching drones and bomb it to hell.
Port strikes probably hinder re-export of MIC supplied weapons to 3rd world, and that may be bigger impact than grain deal on Kiev thugs wallets. After all, with so many farmers dead, so many labour dead, so little fuel and fertilizer, this years harvest and next years too were surely going to be bad.
You are true. This could be explanation why they still throwing units into offensive no matter what. But be pationed. West is starting to be out of guns to sent to UK. Czech president Pavel sad this is the last offensive before the negotiations. I dont know why UK cant negotiate straight away.
And we know who/what the NEOCONS are.