The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and Podcasts
Large US Military Buildup in the Middle East in Support of Israel, Possible Escalation Spiral in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict to a Regional War and Even Up to WW3
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Large US Military Buildup in the Middle East in Support of Israel, Possible Escalation Spiral in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict to a Regional War and Even Up to WW3

Radio Interview on Faultlines 26/10/23


  • Large US military buildup in the Middle East in support of Israel and to deter any states or non-state actors that might seek to intervene to stop Israel’s destruction and cleansing of Gaza
    Tracking the US military build-up today in the Middle East - Responsible Statecraft

  • The possible escalation spiral in the Israel-Palestinian conflict to a regional conflict and all the way up to WW3, even though neither the US nor Iran are ready to or want to go to war with each other right now.

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Discussion about this episode

I read somewhere that prior to 1946 Jews made up 10% of the population of Palestine and lived in peace with the Muslims and Christians there. Then, in 1946 Palestine became a dumping ground for European and American Jews led by the Zionists. Because of other things I've read, I believe that.

From 1946 to 1848 Zionist terrorists of Irgun began the slaughter of Palestinians and theft of Palestinian homes and land. It's been progressing to the present with illegal settlements in the West Bank.

It's The Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem. Sound familiar?

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Israel birth of the nation. Hurt people HURT people.

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Not one US Marine's life should be put in jeopardy for this shit.

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Hope for a revolt, fragging, etc.

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Mutiny of the entire USMC.

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Netanyahu is under the thumb of the Kahanists like Zelenski is under the thumb of the Ukro-Nazis.

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And the US is ruled by neocons - and yeah, Joos.

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Don't confuse legitimate Jews with Zionists and Kahanists. The Legitimate Jews are against them and many stand with the Palestinians.

The US government is controlled by Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis. AIPAC is the most powerful and influential lobby in DC and controls Congress. AIPAC is made up of the aforementioned.

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The Zionists have something over all of the Euro countries leaders. It goes without saying they control America. For a country to have over 75% of its Congress holding dual citizenship with 1 other country says everything. We all need to remember about Jeffrey Epstein the Israeli Mossad operative. The man who had something on everyone who was anyone in the western world. It was all an Israeli operation to compromise all of the top echelons of western society. From British Royals to American Presidents & beyond. How has this not been brought up & mentioned before. This man did wonders for Israeli influence over the western world. This countries extremists are allowed to commit whatever they want over whoever they want & they get support from the west for doing so.

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Egypt will not let Palestinians in, they control that pathway. Iran should stay out and maybe Russia could get Israel to STOP messing with Syria.

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Ahab was levelheaded compared to the current American neocon Pequodistas.

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Mark is right. Hope without any foundation for it is delusion. It is probably time to get out our Primo Levi and- yes- Gramsci’s prison diaries if we want some ideas about how to live day to day given the very strong likelihood of the destruction of all life on earth in the near term.

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Let us hope nukes DO NOT get used.

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U.S is lining itself up for its very own Tsushima moment

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