Kiev regime anounces conscription of all women with any type of medical training, education, or background.
Former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace says Ukraine must increase conscription and start conscripting “youth”
Conscript more young blood, ex-UK defense secretary tells Ukraine — RT World News
US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy & Republicans in Congress present a speed bump to more US military & economic aid to Kiev - but is it just more temporary partisan politics?
Pentagon exempts Ukraine operations from potential government shutdown - POLITICO
Anti-Kiev regime party “wins” parliamentary elections in Slovakia and looks to form government
‘My people have bigger problems than Ukraine’ – EU state’s election winner — RT World News
Former Russian President & PM Dmitry Medvedev on epic series of rants - talks regime change in Kiev, calls German and British leaders “idiots” dragging us all into WW3
Western ‘idiots’ want World War III – ex-Russian president — RT Russia & Former Soviet UnionHead of German Bundestag Defense Committee calls for Scholz to send Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev Regime to strike inside Russia
Ukraine can use German missiles to attack Russia – Bundestag — RT World NewsBritish Defense Minister calls for putting British troops on the ground in Ukraine to “train” Kiev regime forces, PM Sunak walks it back, making the whole affair look like a trial ballon testing the water.
New Russian military recruitment ads paint targets on Odessa, Kiev, and…Berlin…
Russian Troops Dream of Conquering Ukrainian Cities in Recruitment Ad (
While Russia had a relatively modest goal of "DeNazifing Ukraine", it now seems Western corporate forces had the much larger agenda of "Depopulating Ukraine"? One can only assume that a Ukrainian Wasteland would be more profitable to Blackrock and various other NATO funders.??
Fighting Russia ",,to the last Ukrainian" doesn't leave room for other conclusion.
The big individual agriculture firms like Cargill are after the farmland. The farmland is covered with mines and their equipment will blow up killing the operators. The Russian Agriculture System is at work.
I suspect the ultimate goal is to return Ukraine to serfdom, for whatever Ukrainians survive when all this ends. Colonies can and do eventually rebel. But, feudal systems can last a very long time. This is the resurrection of a very old and very ugly model which is rearing its head in North America, South America, Asia, now Ukraine?? I think this is also the eventual goal in Holland; if they only wanted to reduce agricultural effort, the Dutch government would simply have cut the huge farm subsidies. By forcing the farmers to sell, but leaving the subsidies, this opens the door for giant AgriBiz to monopolize food production and also keep the subsidies?
Good comment. Oligarchs like the WEF Cult, the Whales who control the markets constantly screwing the small investors all want Serfs, wage slaves and renters who buy at the Company Store.
Yes LT; Megalomania 101. What they really want is monopoly control, never considering that there are people even more greedy and ruthless coming along behind. And ignoring the fact that their narrow minded greed will eventually destroy everything; before or after the too will die. All the 'Baby blood' in the world won't keep them alive. Nor will their brains be content in a jar!
A dear friend who passed Sept 21, HUGE loss, was on about The Tops wanting to make Feudalism. He was with Schiller group, good stuff there.
Yesterday there was a Remembrance of Life for one of our longstanding members of AMVETS. We see more and more depart until it's our turn. It reminds me of the Pink Floyd song Time.
Ukraine is in the same state as Nazi Germany in 1945. They're mobilizing 16 and 17 year olds? This means they should have a vote and be allowed to drink alcohol. The command will probably drug them up and mess up their brains too. What a sin!
Wallace and the Ukro-Nazi High Command are war criminals and commit crimes against humanity. A pox on them all!
Lindsey Graham's new line of lunacy is scary. Linking Ukr to Taiwan? Dragging out the old domino theory rubbish?
I'd like to see Russia air some of those ads in the Arrogant West, say , like in the Superbowl.
Like my grandpa said , we're in it to Berlin.
Sweet potato yammies .
I very recently drove from Belgium to Poland and all the way I could see convoys of civilian (!) trucks with Polish number plates escorted by German military police (“Feldjäger”) heading east. What’s inside those trucks? Heaven knows...but this war is FAR from over!
Where’d they find people like Malik and Jamal with such horrible voices for radio? They are very difficult to understand.
Sloboda is wrong if he really thinks that Russia is in hurry with this conflict or is going to be some sort of freezing of affairs in all of this. Russian officials has been going out of their to clarify the latter. Even after the West support for the Ukranazia Reich had colapse (perhaps no for too long after), Russia will continue degrading the Ukranazi forces and liberating every centimeter of Russian land and people until only Ruthenia (Banderistan in the West) is left. That if they don't surrender first. Ita est.
All the way to Berlin???
All the way!
so about the election in slovakia. I read an article in the magazine ACM, Association Computing Machinery, the organization that represents computer science.. The article was about the use of AI in order to misinform the voters. In other words, the machinery is already in manipulation mode.
Russian have some EPIC lines when they want to
Need to tell Polish people they are next to be : " Ukraine ", be effective.
Need to tell Polish people they are next to be : " Ukraine ", be effective.
Need to tell Polish people they are next to be : " Ukraine ", be effective.
Need to tell Polish people they are next to be : " Ukraine ", be effective.
McCarthy and the Repukelicans are playing Kabuki Theater for the Dupes.