Kiev Regime Main Intellgence Directorate Head Budanov Straight Up Tells Western Media He Is Killing and Will Kill Russians All Over the World, they nod sympathetically.
Prigozhin’s Performance Comes to and End and Suddenly Prigozhin Has Plenty of Shells and Wagner’s Mopping Up of Bakhmut Will Continue
Kiev Regime’s Offensive About to Begin, Russian Drones & Missles Hammer Staging & Logistics Points, Military Sitrep
More grain deal jabber
My take on bizarre archaic rituals of British “monarchy”
Mark, you are as well-informed a commentator on what is going on around the world as anyone I have ever read or heard. However, your take up to now on Yevgeny Prighosian (sp?) is beginning to seem like it might need revision. His behavior on May 9 made me think of two classic moments from Monty Python: King Arthur’s aside to his knights regarding Tim the enchanter (what an eccentric performance) and the Confuse a Cat sketch. If the cat is the Kiev putsch regime, and he really is trolling it, and this is all an act of disinformation, when they start giving out awards for it, it should be named after him. And the awards for being thick skinned in military upper echelons while taking one or more for the team can be named after Shoigu or any of the rest of them.