Israel's Continued Onslaught of the Palestinian People
A Video Interview with Craig Pasta Jardula on @Pasta2GoShow 05/03/24
An interview with Craig Pasta Jardula @yopasta on his new show @Pasta2GoShow 05/03/24
on Israel's Ongoing Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide of Gaza.
Why don't we start calling things by their right names?
This is not 'Israel's Onslaught' it is America's onslaught. Without America it simply could not be done.
Same as Kiev Ukraine's onslaught against Donbas Ukraine: it is America's onslaught.
America is 'onslaughting' the whole world. America only knows one thing: attack, kill, oppress, coerce, dominate.
Try to dominate, that should be. Lotsa folks ain't gonna be dominated any more. Lotsa.
Let us never forget: That the cornerstone of Judaism is -Being God's Chosen People-!
Every Jew in the World believes this. The Jews see themselves as the 'Rightful Masters' of Everything!
Nothing is forbidden in the pursuit of this goal.
I am not "Antisemitic" (Which is a ridiculous term). I am Anti Messianic and Anti Totalitarian. The concept of a 'Singular and Selective" God is ridiculous in itself!