The Real Politick with Mark Sleboda
Mark Sleboda's Radio Interviews and Podcasts
Is the US Looking to Extricate or Escalate in Ukraine? Netherlands Sends F16s for Kiev Regime Pilot Training, Avdeevka Front Sitrep, Patrushev Signals Russia Focused on Regime Change in Kiev, more...
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -41:58

Is the US Looking to Extricate or Escalate in Ukraine? Netherlands Sends F16s for Kiev Regime Pilot Training, Avdeevka Front Sitrep, Patrushev Signals Russia Focused on Regime Change in Kiev, more...

Radio Interview on Faultlines 08/11/23


Discussion about this episode

The West had always viewed Ukraine as a means to an end (destroying Russia as a major world power). They have now seem, to their astonishment, that neither economic sanctions nor a hundred billion dollars of assistance to proxy Ukraine can do the job so it’s time to pull the plug on hapless Ukraine.

Unfortunately, they have far from given up their goal and will parlay their conquest of the highly profitable European energy market coupled with enormous European rearmament contracts to renew the quest using different means.

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The West will fail with the renewed quest as well. They have lost the arms race and are so far behind it will take decades to recover if ever.

It's like Aesop's Fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. The West is the Hare who declared the End of History in 1991 when the Soviet Union fell. So the Hare took a nap while Russia the Tortoise kept plodding along. 30 years later that Tortoise was so far down the road when the Hare realized he better move fast. He ran like Hell and did a face plant with his sanctions, proxies and schemes backfiring and falling apart. The Hare is flailing about and his weapons are proven useless. The arms industry of the West designs weapons to line pockets instead of winning. Russia the Tortoise has developed a weapons industry that builds superb, reliable and cost effective weapons by methodically improving all systems it has.

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Perfect analogy!

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Thank you. Mark is describing my analogy in detail. I'm still listening.

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Russia turned the tables though, and set the same trap for the West that they thought Russia was falling into. Russia is essentially using Ukraine to curb American power. Ukraine may be the kinetic front, but this war encompasses economic and diplomatic (geopolitical) fronts as well, which are arguably strategically more important than the military component.

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The 'Zelenski Curse' as Alex Christoforou likes to say. The U.S. has really become the Empire With No Clothes. And I'll huff and I'll puff .... and I 'll blow your house down (!) For as long as it takes .... or ..... For as long as it's possible .... or .... until we get rid of .....(menacing music) THE Putin ..... Run away! Run away!

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I thought you could use a laugh.

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Everyone keeps forgetting Russia's stated goals of "demilitarizing and denazifying" Ukraine. Obviously, these two goals imply a change in the current administration of Ukraine. It's an interesting idea to contemplate how to denazify something ... no less an entire government. As we watch how Putin will pull this off ... we can start learning how to do the same for the U.S., UK and Canada ... for starters.

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Hopefully Putin will end the SMO and eradicate the Nazis. They need to take at least 4 more oblasts as Mearsheimer said, perhaps more.

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4 more oblasts, all along the southern coastal Ukraine (and possibly Kiev?) ... and then trade and security agreements with Hungary and Serbia. Interesting that Blackrock Inc. has bought up one-third of Ukraine's arable land (so far) .... They must be starting to wonder if they can hang on to that property and agri-biz on it in the future. Putin's 'No GMO' edict might nip their agri-biz enterprises in the bud. We should start declaring a national holiday every time Monsanto, takes a hit(!) Fun to talk with you. Thanks for replying!

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" to denazify something" Russia set itself a daunting task.

The Ukraine War, is the first openly "Globalist War". When Globalism, Fascism, and "Nazism", are recognized as the same "ism", then you see that Russia risked being isolated and standing alone against the entirety of the Corporate World. Luckily, the Globalists overestimated their power. They were too greedy and didn't leave anything for the little guys.

If this ends without an apocalypse, then Western Corporations stand to lose Hundreds of billions (Beyond what they have 'invested' of taxpayer dollars). BlackRock, Archer Daniels, Cargil, and lesser Carpetbaggers, have been busy scooping-up Ukrainian assets for pennies, while other Corporations have been looting through fraud and "Lending".

If Russia can 'thread the needle correctly', then these "Assets" evaporate! The American Taxpayer loses twice: The weapons were wasted, and US pension funds take a big hit on equities.

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So nice to get a reply. Thank you, Paul. I think we are watching an historical event happen in front of our eyes, with what Putin is doing. I like your phrase @ 'Globalist War'. We all need to start calling it out. Dark Journalist just posted a new podcast on YouTube, linking the Kennedy Assassination to 'Nazi International' and keeping the UFO file ( alien presence ) from going public. The information is coming out fast and furious now ..... I commented on his podcast that it's not such a great thing to have being a part of The Chosen of The Elohim on one's Curriculum Vitae (!!)

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OK, just don't mess with MY money. We are not rich people, and we are old people.

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Sorry Tani J; I guess you didn't get the memo: It isn't "Your money". The government and the Banks printed (?) the money, then you lent (?) the money to the bank for security. I n the fine print, it says that the banks don't have to give it back. and that the government can inflate the money into oblivion any time they run short???

Nobody in power cares what happens to us "Poor and Old" people! We are expendable..

The best advice for anyone in our position, is to buy food and fuel. Even if you could afford it, there might be little available? This won't be over in a couple of months!

"Hoarding"?? Do wealthy people share their "Amazon" stock with us??

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Never forget "Smedly Butler's" famous speech!

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It's always an honor and a pleasure to be commenting at the Real Politick. I wanted to add two interesting points about Ukraine's power grid that I found in some rather obscure sources. First, it appears that Russia combines its kinetic attacks with cyber attacks as well, something I wasn't aware of earlier.

The other thing I read was that Ukrainian officials have stolen a lot of the funds and equipment donated by the West to restore energy infrastructure. The key point is that they wrote off a lot of equipment as destroyed by Russian attacks that never actually happened and now risk exposure as a result. The Ukrainians are still stealing anything that isn't nailed down and will end up being their own worst enemy if the grid starts to fail this winter, with or without Russia's help.

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Great show Jamal!

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Rashida was centured because AIPAC controls Congress. It's 🐂💩! Long Live Palestine!🇵🇸 Down with AIPAC!🇮🇱 (Upside down Israel flag)🤣

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Oh Tani, what a great video. I laughed my ass off! Horowitz got her taste. The world is catching on.

Thanks for that. You made my day.

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Hypocrite is America's middle name.

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A nation falls from without once it it is set asunder from within

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I wish Russia would fly drones over Britain and whoever else is doing this and give them f'ing hell. BRING IT, Lavrov once said. Hit them with a hypersonic. This shit they are doing, they want to provoke a war, Russia should SMASH them so hard that they can't get back up.

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The end game is the destabilization of Europe and its use a lucrative conflit zone for MIC and reconstruction and agriculture giants. Not only Washington wants to escalte, they would like to spread the conflict. To Poland and Belarus. Also the trafficked weapons from Ukraine are flooding EU black market as we speak.

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This is eye-opening and hugely educational!

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If Russia takes over the country or reduced it to a vassal state then there is no way that the west can send money to help Ukraine. At this point only a military solution with a Russian win is the only viable solution and i think it will be a no-state solution. My concern is that the longer this war goes on the more the western military will learn about Russian capabilities.

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Being Anti-Zionist and anti-Kahanist is not antisemitism. Many Jews are Anti-Zionist and anti-Kahanist. Many Jews stand with the Palestinians.

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LT; I think you might reconsider this, " Many Jews are Anti-Zionist ".....I suspect this is largely a figleaf.

The Jews will tolerate Zionism, so long as they see the benefits. Much like the feeble 'Anti-war groups in the US don't attack the Establishment.....As long as it affords them Income and 'Exceptionalism'..

Global Zionism created the new State of Israel and continues to fund it, and provides the 'Big Stick' of American protection. The Israeli citizens won't cut of the branch they are sitting on???

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Thank you. That's worth considering.

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Consider also, ALL those people in our own gov with that dual citizenship in Israel. Add that to AIPAC. Read Sniegoski "the transparent cabal". Add that to the media, Hollywood. Jews control the US. They shoved aside the WASP social norms and replaced it all with their own. ALL to "feel safe" in a majority white xian US. THEN came Scofield with his fraud which created Xian Zionism. IT IS a fraud, distortions of the Bible big time. Here: Christian Zionism. The fraud Scofield made it up. Hagee one of the biggest ones, it is an evangelical thing.

Of course, all those societal changes the evangies hate, but they have no clue who did this.

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True that! I figured it out some time ago.

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Hey there! OK, Torah Jews, but they are being beaten up in Israel and persecuted elsewhere. It's not many Jews. Not many at all. Even non religious Jews are with Israel.

I think Jews should have a country (that really is all Zionism means) - Jews themselves thought of other places. Birobidzhan was GIVEN to them, Jewish Autonomous Republic. I know they picked the wrong spot WITH THE HELP OF THE DEVIOUS BRITS. Churchhill wanted Jews on that spot thinking they'd be wiped out by Arabs. US saved them. I knew Jews whose families went to Birobidzhan and lived their lives there. It could have been built up beautiful in all these decades, peaceful, safe, friendly neighbors, no drama.

You know, the Brits drew up the lines regarding India/China too, designed to cause problems.

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Yes, they Brits did when they were still the Empire in which the Sun never set. Then the clone USA supplanted them. Western Europe colonized the world beginning with the Norse pillaging and slaughtering. Western Europe fought wars among themselves for centuries culminating with WW1 The War To End All Wars. If Woodrow Wilson hadn't lied the USA into WW1 there would never have been a WW2. WW2 was a continuation of WW1.

Regarding the Zionist Apartheid State of Israel, you're right about the Brits but Israel was a dumping ground for Western European Jews and became America's Aircraft Carrier in Central Asia/Middle East. FJB has said for decades if Israel didn't exist the USA would have invented it. He said it as a Senator and recently said it to Nutenyahu on his last visit to Israel. Likud rules Israel and is made up of Zionists and Kahanists. The Torah Jews are against them and that's why they suffer similar abuse as Palestinians.

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I know this, but Europe became bad when they discovered the Americas - and they did that looking for CHINA! Tamerlane busted up the E to W trade route is what caused them to try to get to CHINA to fix it and accidentally finding the Americas.

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"..... Jews should have a country (that really is all Zionism means) -"

You are so deluded! Zionism is a psychopathic cult and the Jews are only one of their "Disposable" tools. Peel the cover off a Eugenicist or a Globalist, and you will find Zionism! Zionism is about the 'End of the Human World", leaving a few self deluded "Gods" who want to own Everything!

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I would say that they became that.

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Oh Mark! You killed me with your two words!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭

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